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Free Jazz Internet Settings for Android, Nokia and Windows Phone

Free Jazz Internet Settings for Android, Nokia and Windows Phone
Mobilink is main player in the telecom industry of Pakistan has the Jazz Cellular Brand with interactive packages offering Internet Bundles, Call Packages and SMS Bundles. According to the latest survey, Mobilink Jazz Internet speed is fastest Internet speed in Pakistan over GSM / GPRS EDGE networks as compare to Telenor, WARID Telecom, ZONG and Ufone. Mobilink has many Internet Bundles Packages for different usage from 1MB data to Unlimited Data plans. As Mobilink has also introduced the free Internet Access to Wikipedia, Twitter, MobiMusic and Facebook. By configuring your mobile Internet settings (GPRS Settings), we can get full free Internet of Jazz Network. These settings applies about all mobile phones like Android based Samsung Galaxy, Qmobiles, HTC, Gfive and Voice mobiles, Nokia Symbian mobile phones like Nokia 6120c, Nokia C3, C5 and other such like series. The free Internet settings for Mobilink Jazz is as under step by step. The speed of this free Internet is about close to PTCL DSL fast speed.

Profile Name : Jazz Free Internet
User Name : Jazz
Password : Jazz
Homepage : http://yellowpedia.blogspot.com
HTTP Proxy Use = Yes
Proxy =
Prosy Port = 80
APN (Access Point Network) = jazzconnect.mobilinkworld.com
Handler Settings : Proxy Type " HTTP
Proxy Server = 0.facebook.com
Prov File Can be downloaded from Here


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