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Facebook Testing Video Ads of 15 Seconds for Newsfeed

Facebook Testing Video Ads of 15 Seconds for Newsfeed
Facebook, the world largest social networking website has said in a report that they starting the video ads of 15 seconds in duration which will be played automatically in the Facebook users's Newsfeed on the Homepage. According to Facebook officials, about 1.2 Million users already testing these type of Advertisements on Facebook from the last three months. These type of video ads are made with the support of Premium Video Ads and will be without audio and will depend on the users to see these Ads in small window inside the Newsfeed or in Full Screen Mode. In the next few months, the Facebook users will be able to see these ads in full swing after the successful testing. The ACE METRIX namely company giving support to Facebook to manage these Ads for Facebook users.

The other services like Facebook are Google Plus, Twitter, LinkedIN and So.cl by Microsoft Corporation.

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