
Showing posts with the label AskMetaAi

Ask Meta Ai: Fantastic Low Cost Hobby ideas

#AskMetaAi Here are some fantastic low-cost hobby ideas: Creative Pursuits 1. Drawing or sketching (cost: $10 for a sketchbook and pencils) 2. Painting (cost: $20 for basic supplies) 3. Writing (free, just use a computer or notebook) 4. Photography (use a smartphone camera) 5. Crafting (knitting, crochet, or sewing with repurposed materials) Outdoor Activities 1. Hiking or walking (free) 2. Gardening (start with seeds or small plants, $10-$20) 3. Birdwatching (binoculars, $20-$50) 4. Cycling (use a bike you already have or buy second-hand) 5. Star gazing (free) Music and Dance 1. Playing an instrument (download a free app or buy a used instrument) 2. Singing (free) 3. Dancing (follow online tutorials or join a local community center) 4. Music production (use free software like Audacity)

Ask Meta Ai Today: Poem of The Day

#AskMetaAi Here's a poem for you: "Hope" by Emily Dickinson Hope is the Thing with Feathers— That Perches in our Soul— And Sings the Tune without the Words— And never stops—at all— And sweetest in the Gale is heard; And sore must be the Storm That could abash the little Bird That kept so many warm— I've heard it in the Chillest land— And on the strangest Sea— Yet, never, in Extremity, It asked a crumb—of me. Would you like me to share another poem or provide more information about this one?